Saturday 20 October 2012

Tips Merawat Flashdisk Agar Lebih Awet

Fungsi flashdisk sebagai penyimpan data (dokumen, foto, video, dan sebagainya) saat ini memang sangat besar. Bentuknya yang relatif kecil, mudah dibawa kemana-mana, membuat hampir semua orang punya benda yang satu ini. Yup, apalagi jika kamu termasuk orang yang sering melakukan presentasi dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, flashdisk sepertinya jadi barang wajib yang harus dimiliki. Cukup colok flashdisk pada notebook, maka kamu pun siap beraksi.

Nah, betapa pentingnya alat yang imut ini, keki rasanya jika data-datanya harus hilang karena kecerobohan kita sendiri. Yuk, simak beberapa tips berikut supaya flashdisk kamu tetap awet dalam waktu yang lama:
  1. Seperti kebanyakan benda elektronik lainnya, jauhkan flashdisk dari medan magnet tinggi supaya penyimpanan data tidak terganggu. 
  2. Upayakan flashdisk juga disimpan di tempat yang bersih dan tertutup supaya komponen di dalamnya tidak kotor dan berkarat. 
  3. Jangan lupa back up data yang ada di flashdisk ke dalam komputer dengan perlindungan antivirus yang baik sebagai langkah upaya antisipasi. Maksudnya tentu supaya data-data penting keamanannya dapat terjamin. 
  4. Ingatlah bahwa flashdisk merupakan perantara antivirus nomor wahid. Oleh sebab itu, scan flashdisk dengan antivirus terbaik supaya virus dari komputer lain tidak terbawa pada notebook atau PC milik kamu. 
  5. Hindari flashdisk dari benturan. Banyak orang yang sembarangan menaruh flashdisk dengan melemparnya yang justru itu dapat merusak komponen di dalamnya. 
  6. Hindari flashdisk dari panas atau dingin yang berlebihan untuk mencegah kerusakan komponen di dalamnya. 
  7. Biasakan untuk eject atau stop flashdisk sebelum mencabutnya dari komputer. 
  8. Sebaiknya hindari mengedit file yang ada di flashdisk secara langsung. Ada baiknya kamu copy dulu file tersebut, diedit, baru kemudian setelah selesai pindahkan kembali file tersebut ke dalam flashdisk. 
  9. Jaga hologram, bungkus flashdisk, dan simpan nota pembelian flashdisk dengan baik untuk keperluan garansi. 
  10. Hindari mem-format flashdisk terlalu sering karena dapat mengurangi jumlah batasan hapus tulis. 
  11. Agar tidak mudah hilang/jatuh, belilah tali flashdisk. Selain itu, jaga baik-baik tutup flashdisk supaya konektor flashdisk tetap aman dari debu yang mengotori. 

Nah, itu dia beberapa tips menjaga dan merawat flashdisk agar tetap awet. Semoga bermanfaat.

Monday 15 October 2012

Cara Meningkatkan Omset Toko Online

Cara Meningkatkan Omset Toko Online. Salah satu peluang bisnis di internet yang saat ini marak dijalankan adalah toko online. Beraneka ragam produk mulai dari pakaian, tas, sepatu, makanan dan minuman, serta kebutuhan pokok lainnya ditawarkan secara online melalui website, blog, facebook, twitter, dan situs jejaring lainnya. Adanya kemudahan fasilitas yang tersedia di internet tentunya memberikan keuntungan khusus bagi para pelaku bisnis online, sehingga tidak heran bila semakin hari jumlah blogger yang membuka toko online mengalami lonjakan yang cukup pesat.

Meskipun saat ini jumlah pelaku bisnis toko online terus bertambah banyak, namun ternyata tidak semuanya bisa berhasil menjalankan usahanya hingga mencapai puncak kesuksesan. Sebagian besar dari mereka mungkin ada yang sukses mendatangkan omset ratusan juta rupiah setiap bulannya, namun tidak sedikit pula jumlah pemula yang situs toko onlinenya masih sepi dari kunjungan konsumen sampai akhirnya harus ditutup karena tidak ada pemasukan yang didapatkan.

Oleh karena itu, berikut adalah beberapa cara meningkatkan omset toko online yang bisa Anda praktekan dirumah.

Pertama, daftarkan website toko online Anda di social networking. Keberadaan situs jejaring sosial (social networking) ternyata cukup efektif untuk menggiring massa dan mempromosikan bisnis Anda ke masyarakat luas. Buatlah akun dengan nama toko online Anda di berbagai situs seperti facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, dan lain sebagainya. Setelah itu Anda bisa meng-update link produk dari website Anda ke situs-situs pertemanan tersebut, selain itu Anda juga bisa mengupload foto dan menyebarkannya ke semua konsumen yang bergabung di situs Anda. Dengan begitu, produk Anda bisa dikenali banyak orang dan semakin besar pula peluang yang Anda ciptakan untuk mendatangkan pemasukan setiap bulannya.

Kedua, bergabunglah di web direktori lokal maupun internasional. Sekarang ini sudah banyak website-website yang menawarkan program direktori bagi para pelaku bisnis online. Salah satunya yaitu yang memberikan program direktori member gratis bagi para pelaku usaha yang ingin mempromosikan produk unggulannya dan perusahaan yang mereka miliki. Tentunya ini bisa Anda manfaatkan untuk meningkatkan traffic kunjungan website toko online Anda.

Ketiga, optimalkan penggunaan SEO. Dalam menjalankan bisnis online, dukungan SEO menjadi salah satu faktor penentu untuk meningkatkan posisi website di halaman pertama mesin pencarian (Google). Karenanya, pilihlah keyword yang banyak dicari pengguna internet agar website Anda mudah ditemukan mesin pencarian. Misalnya saja menggunakan kata kunci Toko Online, Butik Online, Baju Online, dan masih banyak lagi keyword menarik lainnya. Semakin banyak jumlah pencarian setiap harinya, maka semakin sering pula website toko online Anda dikunjungi calon konsumen.

Keempat, permudah pembelian dengan shopping cart (keranjang belanja). Untuk mempermudah konsumen Anda dalam berbelanja, sediakan shopping cart untuk memasukan item produk yang akan mereka beli. Pastikan semua produk yang dipilih bisa tercatat dengan baik dan prosesnya tidak mempersulit calon konsumen. Sebab, bila prosesnya tertalu rumit dan berbelit-belit biasanya hanya akan membuat konsumen mengurungkan niatnya untuk berbelanja di toko online Anda.

Kelima, cantumkan contact person Anda dengan lengkap. Salah satu poin penting yang perlu Anda perhatikan yaitu, meyakinkan konsumen untuk berbelanja di tempat Anda. Sampai hari ini masih banyak kasus penipuan yang terjadi melalui internet, karena itu tidak sedikit konsumen yang kurang percaya untuk bertransaksi secara online. Maka dari itu, yakinkan konsumen dengan mencantumkan data diri Anda secara lengkap serta contact person Anda yang bisa mereka hubungi. Misalnya saja seperti no telepon, alamat perusahaan, alamat email, pin BB, dan lain-lain.

Nah, setelah membahas tips sukses menjalankan bisnis online, kini saatnya Anda menerapkannya langsung dalam usaha Anda. Semoga bisa memberikan manfaat bagi para pembaca dan membantu para pemula yang tertarik menekuni bisnis toko online. Selamat berkarya dan salam sukses.

Friday 12 October 2012


Ungkapan tentang kemungkinan dan ketidakmungkinan

Untuk mengungkapkan kemungkinan (POSSIBILITY), ada beberapa ungkapan yang digunakan:

a. There is a good chance of + (kt. Kerja bentuk –ing) …..


There is a good chance of catching the train of you take a taxi to the station

(Ada kemungkinan dapat menumpang kereta jika menggunakan taksi ke statsion)

There is a good chance of having dinner with you tonight.

b. There is good chance that ……

Example: There is a good chance that Budi will pass in the UAN.

(Ada kemungkinan Budi akan lulus Ujian Negara)

c. It is very possible that ……

d. There is possible …….

Note: Apabila menemukan ungkapan tersebut dalam sebuah percakapan atau wacana, maka ungkapan tersebut menunjukkan tetang suatu hal yang mungkin.

Untuk mengungkapkan ketidakmungkinan (IMPOSSIBILITY) ada beberapa ungkapan yang bias digunakan, antara lain:

a. There is not chance of + (kata kerja bentuk –ing) …..

Example: - There is no chance of going abroad

- (Tidak mungkin pergi ke luar negeri)

b. There is a very little chance of (kata kerja bentuk –ing) …..

c. There is less chance of (kata kerja bentuk –ing) …..

d. There is impossible that ……..

e. It is very doubtful ……..

f. It is impossible ……..

Note: Apabila menemukan ungkapan tersebut dalam sebuah percakapan atau wacana, maka ungkapan tersebut menunjukkan tetang suatu hal yang tidak mungkin.

Contoh dalam dialog:

Andi : Where is Reza, Bud?

Budi : He went to the zoo an hour ago

Andi : Oh, I was too late to see him.

Budi : There is a good chance of catching)* him if you take a taxi.

Andi : Do you know his phone number? May be I can contact him first.

Budi : I think there’s little chance of contacting)** him by phone.

Andi : OK, I’ll try to catch him by taxi.

)* Ungkapan possibility, )** Ungkapan ketidak mungkinan

Ungkapan tentang kepastian/keyakinan dan ketidakpastian/ketidak yakinan

A. Ungkapan kepastian/keyakinan (CERTAINTY):

1. I am sure (saya yakin)……

2. I’m absolutely certain (saya sangat yakin)……

3. I am a hundred percent certain ……

4. I have no doubt (saya tidak ragu)……

5. I’m quite sure ……

Contoh dalam kalimat:

a. I am sure you will pass in the National test, if you study hard

b. Budi has no doubt in his answer for the English test

c. The leader is a hundred percent certain about the program, dll.

B. Ungkapan ketidakpastian/ketidakyakinan (UNCERTAINTY):

1. I’m not sure ……

2. I’m not really sure ……

3. I can’t say that for certain …..

4. I can’t say that for sure ……

5. I am afraid I can’t be certain …..

Contoh-contoh dalam kalimat:

a. I’m not sure Andi will come here tonight

b. I can’t say that for certain all students pass in the test

c. Susi is not really sure that Alan will be love her

Contoh dalam dialog:

Rini : Rina, are sure Sani will come? We have been waiting for her for more than 2 hours

Rina : Don’t worry Rini, I’m sure)* he will come soon. Yesterday he promised to come.

Rini : I can’t say that for sure)** he will come.

)* Ungkapan keyakinan/kepastian )** Ungkapan ketidakpastian/ketidakyakinan.


(Ungkapan tentang setuju dan tidak setuju)

A. AGREEMENT (kesetujuan)

1. I agree (saya setuju)

2. I am with you (saya sependapat dengan anda)

3. I think so (saya kira begitu)

4. It certainly is (saya kira juga)

5. That is what I was thinking (itulah yang saya pikirkan/pkirannya saya juga begitu)

6. I am of the same opinion (pendapat saya sama)

B. DISAGREEMENT (kedak setujuan)

1. I disagree (saya tidak setuju)

2. I am not with you (saya tidak sependapat)

3. I can agree with (saya tidak dapat menyetujui pendapat anda)

4. I can’t be along with you (saya tidak sepaham)

5. I wouldn’t say that (saya tidak bias mengatakan begitu)

6. I don’t think so (saya kira bukan begitu)


Disamping ungkapan-ungkapan diatas, dapat juga seperti:

- I don’t entirely agree with …….

- I see what you mean, but ……

- I agree, but ……

- Yes, but on the other hand ……

- Yes, but don’t you think …..


ungkapan tentang kepuasan dan ketidakpuasan

Study the following summary:

1. A : What do you think of this flower?

B : I like it.

2. Students were not satisfied with the Biology teacher.

Beberapa ungkapan tentan kepuasan dan ketidakpuasan yang biasa digunakan:

A. SATISFACTION (kepuasan)

- I like it

- I really like it

- I am satisfied with it

- I enjoy it

B. DISSATISFACTION (ketidakpuasan):

- I dislike it

- I am dissatisfied with it

- I don’t enjoy it

Contoh-contoh dalam kalimat:

1. I really like with the film in the movie last night)*

2. I was satisfied with SLANK concert in Lapangan Merdeka, last Sunday)*

3. We don’t like the horror film)**

4. I don’t satisfied with her service in wedding party)**

Contoh dalam doalog:

Roy : What do you think of that picture?

Rani : I think it is great. I like it)*

Roy : Why do you like it?

Rani : The picture is full various colors. It makes me feel satisfied.)*

Roy : What kind of pictures do you enjoy very much?

Rani : Well, Actually I enjoy)* the pictures about natural views. They can be views of mountain, forests, beaches, water and so on.

Roy : To tell you the truth, I am not satisfied)** about all of your favorite kinds of pictures. I feel satisfied about cartoon pictures. They are full of imagination.

)* Ungkapan Satisfaction

)** Ungkapan Dissatisfaction

Mengungkapkan pendapat tentang sesorang

Pay attention the following dialogue:

Ahmad : Mahmud, What is the man in front of the office?

Mahmud : People see the man as their leader.

Ahmad : What do you think about the man?

Mahmud : Frankly speaking, I regard him as a wise and honest man.

Mahmud : Why?

Ahmad : Oh, I see. But it is true that his people consider him a brave man too.

Mahmud : I think so. He never considers his opposition enemies but friends.

Ahmad : I hope your village is always safe and peaceful.

Mahmud : I hope so.

Kalimat yang bergaris miring diatas adalah untuk menyatakan pendapat tentang sesorang.

1. People see the man as their leader è Masyarakat menganggap laki-laki itu sebagai pemimpin mereka.

2. I regard him as a wise and honest man. è saya menghormati/menghargai dia sebagai serang yang bijak dan sopnan.

3. His people consider him a brave man è Orang-orang menganggap dia sebagai seorang yang berani.

Contoh lain:

1. Many people see SBY as big man and kind è Banyak orang melihat /beranggapan SBY adalah seorang yang tubuhnya besar dan baik hati.

2. All students consider that SMAN 1 Sagranten is a smart school è semua siswa beranggapan bahwa SMAN 1 Sagaranten adalah sekolah pintar, hehehe…..

3. Dll.

Mengungkapkan penolakan

Perhatikan dialog dibawah ini:

A :

Jhon : Why don’t you study Economics then become a businessman?

Ali : I think you are very fond of business, so you don’t see the situation.

Jhon : I deny that. I can see it quite clearly.

Ali : I’d like to study politics. I want to be a political party leader.

Jhon : I don’t suppose so. I want you have no enemy in your life.

Ali : I don’t think that’s right.

B :

Tomy : I think you’re very fond of her and so you don’t see her fault.

Tono : I deny that.

C :

Dono : You are far too generous, uncle.

Doyok : Not at all, I want to have a really good time on your birthday


Very fond : sangat menyukai Quite = Very : sangat

Become : Menjadi Political Party : partai politik

Enemy : Musuh Leader : pemimpin

I deny that : saya menolak itu I don’t suppose so : Saya tidak mendukung hal itu

Not at all : Tidak semuanya begitu

Kalimat-kalimat yang bertulis tebal dan miring diatas menyatakan ungkapan penolakan. Ungkapan-ungkapan lain yang dapat digunakan adalah:

1. I can’t go along with you

2. You can’t mean that

3. I don’t suppose so.

4. Rubbish/Nonsense

5. It’s wrong to

6. Dll.


Ungkapan peringatan

Look at the following dialogues:

A :

Father : Where are you going?

Son : I want to by an English book at the bookstore.

Father : All right. Take care when crossing the road. There are many vehicles.

Son : Sure

B :

Nani : What are you doing?

Hani : I’m repairing your computer.

Nani : Good. Do it carefully. It is very expensive.

Hani : Don’t worry.

C :

Doctor : These tablets should be taken three times a day after meal.

Patient : Yes, Doc. Thank you

Doctor : Don’t forget, they should be kept out of the reach of children.

Kalimat-kalimat yang bertulis miring diatas adalah contoh-contoh ungkapan peringatan.

Take care when crossing the road = Hati-hati ketika menyebrang jalan raya

Do it carefully = Kerjakan dengan hati-hati

They should be kept out of the reach of children = Jauhkan obat-obat tsb dari jangkauan anak2.


Bookstore : toko buku Vehicles : kendaraan

Repair : Memperbaiki Expensive : Mahal

Don’t worry : Jangan hawatir Three times : tiga kali

After meal : Setelah makan Reach : menjangkau

Ungkapan-ungkapan lain untuk menyatakan peringatan adalah:

- Look out : Awas!

- Be careful : Hati-hati!

- Watch out : Awas!

- Take care

- Be cautions

- Watch out for ……

- Mind you ……

- Make sure ……

- Be ready for ……

- Make sure you don’t ……

- Whatever you do, don’t ……

Untuk merespon peringatan orang dapat dinyatakan:

- Thank for the warning : Terima kasih atas peringatannya

- Thank for telling me

- Yes I will

- I will be careful

- dll.

Keterangan :

- Disarikan dari berbagai sumber

- Untuk kalangan sendiri

Conversation Practice


A : Any body home? / Any body at home?

B : Come in, please!

A : Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/mom.

B : Do you have important business with me/her/him?

A : Yes, sir/mom.


Ahmad : Hello, Faishol.

Faishol : Hai, Good morning

Ahmad : How are you?

Faishol : I’m fine, thanks, and you?

Ahmad : I’m fine too. How is Fitri?

Faishol : She is very well, thank you.

Ahmad : Good bye Mr. Faishol

Faishol : Good bye, Ahmad, see you tomorrow.


Aisyah : Good afternoon Mrs. Zainab? How are you?

Zainab : Very well, thank you Mrs. Aisyah.

Aisyah : Is Mr. Ahmad well this afternoon?

Zainab : Mr. Ahmad is very well, thank you.

Aisyah : Are Mahmud and Anisa well this afternoon?

Zainab : Mahmud and anisa re fine, thank you

Aisyah : See you next time, good bye.

Zainab : See you next time, bye-bye.

Thursday 11 October 2012



(Ungkapan tentang setuju dan tidak setuju)

A. AGREEMENT (kesetujuan)

1. I agree (saya setuju)

2. I am with you (saya sependapat dengan anda)

3. I think so (saya kira begitu)

4. It certainly is (saya kira juga)

5. That is what I was thinking (itulah yang saya pikirkan/pkirannya saya juga begitu)

6. I am of the same opinion (pendapat saya sama)

B. DISAGREEMENT (kedak setujuan)

1. I disagree (saya tidak setuju)

2. I am not with you (saya tidak sependapat)

3. I can agree with (saya tidak dapat menyetujui pendapat anda)

4. I can’t be along with you (saya tidak sepaham)

5. I wouldn’t say that (saya tidak bias mengatakan begitu)

6. I don’t think so (saya kira bukan begitu)


Disamping ungkapan-ungkapan diatas, dapat juga seperti:

- I don’t entirely agree with …….

- I see what you mean, but ……

- I agree, but ……

- Yes, but on the other hand ……

- Yes, but don’t you think …..

The way people agree or disagree in an argument or discussion varies in different languages. A lot here depends on the national cultural and traditional background of the speaker. The English are not as straightforward in expressing their opinion as Russians are, for example. The word which describes the English way of speaking and behaving in the best way is probably the word “reserved”. If you look it up in the dictionary, you’ll find a sentence that says it all: “An Englishman is very reserved, quiet, always discreet” (COLLINS COBUILD ENGLISH LANGUAGE DICTIONARY).

George Mikes in “How to be an Alien” wrote in a humorous way about these typical features of the English, which are reflected in the use of the language: “The English have no soul, they have understatement instead”. Understatement in proposing, according to George Mikes, “takes the form of “I say… would you". If it is an indecent proposal it is "I say… what about…".

In agreement and disagreement one should remember about understatement as an important underlying principle of wording what you think.

Agreement and disagreement are types of affirmation and denial in which the expression of JUDGEMENT or OPINION rather than the assertion of FACT is involved. It is all the more necessary not to offend standards of politeness when the other person’s judgement is in question.


In agreeing with an unfavourable opinion, you may wish to qualify your agreement with an expression of regret, etc.

His speech was boring

/ Yes, I am afraid it was.
I have to agree that it was.
\ I must say I found it so.

In other cases, you can be as enthusiastic as you like in emphasizing your agreement.

It was an interesting exhibition, wasn’t it? – Yes, it was superb/absolutely splendid!
A referendum will satisfy everybody. – Yes, definitely/quite/absolutely/I absolutely agree/I couldn’t agree more/I quite agree/ I agree entirely.

A referendum will not satisfy everybody. – Definitely not/It certainly won’t/You are absolutely right, it won’t/ I agree that it won’t.

It’s good practice and it’s good fun. – Exactly.
I feel I ought to give her a hand – Oh, quite, quite.
I must do something, though – Yes, I quite agree.
There is far too much attention being paid to these hoodlums – Yes I couldn’t agree more.
The public showed that by the way it voted in the General election – That’s quite true.
We reckon that this is what THEY would have wanted us to do. – I think you are absolutely right.

You can show that you agree strongly with someone’s description of something by repeating the adjective they have used and using "very" in front of it. You usually use “indeed” after the adjective.

It was very tragic, wasn’t it – Very tragic indeed.
The pacing in all these performances is subtle, isn’t – Oh, very subtle, indeed.

Other ways of expressing agreement are:

That’s just what I was thinking.
You know, that’s exactly what I think.
That’s a good point.

Partial agreement.

If you agree with someone, but not entirely or with reluctance, you can reply “I suppose so”.

I must have a job – I suppose so.
That’s the way to save lives, and save us a lot of trouble? – I suppose so.

If you are replying to a negative statement, you say, “I suppose not”.

Some of these places haven’t changed it – I suppose not.

Qualified agreement

In discussion and argument, there is often a need to agree with one aspect of a speaker’s view, and to disagree with another. Here are some of the methods you might use to express this sort of qualified agreement:

Certainly it’s true that …, but on the other hand…
I can see that…. But surely…
I am in total agreement with you about… but we also have to consider….
Agreed, BUT if we accept… then it must also be true that…


We can also agree, and add a further point to corroborate or confirm the argument
Yes, and in fact….
Yes, and what is more…
I agree, and in fact one might go so far as to say…
Absolutely. Actually, I would go further, and say…


Notice that you need to be very polite when disagreeing with someone in English – even someone you know quite well. When you deny or contradict what someone else has stated, the effect is often impolite, unless the denial is qualified in some way. You can qualify it by an apology or by adjusting to the speaker’s point of view:

English is a difficult language to learn.
-I am afraid I disagree with you: some languages are even more difficult, I think.
- TRUE, but the grammar is quite easy.
-Yes, but it’s not so difficult as Russian.
-Do you think so? Actually, I find it quite easy.

The commonest ways to express disagreement are as follows:

Yes, that’s quite true, but…
I’m not sure I quite agree.
Well, you have a point there, but…
Perhaps, but I don’t think that…
I see what you mean, but…

Rather than simply expressing complete disagreement, people usually try to disagree politely using expressions, which soften the contradictory opinion they are giving "I don’t think so" and "Not really" are the most common of these expressions.

It was a lot of money in those days – Well, not really.
It’s all over now, anyway. – No, I am afraid I can’t agree with you there.

People often say “Yes” or “I see what you mean”, to indicate partial agreement and then go on to mention a point of disagreement, introduced by “but”.

You’ve just said yourself that you got fed up with it after a time. - Yes, but only after three weeks.
It’s a very clever film. – Yes, perhaps, but I didn’t like it.
They ruined the whole thing. – I see what you mean, but they didn’t know.

Strong disagreement

If you know someone very well you can disagree more directly using expressions like these:

I can’t agree with you there.
You can’t be serious!
Come off it!
Don’t be silly!

You should be very careful when using them, in order to avoid offending people.

That’s very funny – No, it isn’t.
You were the one who wanted to buy it – I am sorry, dear, but you are wrong.

More formal ways

University education does divide families in a way – I cannot go along with that.
There would be less guilt which characterized societies of earlier generations. – well I think I would take issue with that

When it comes to the state of this country, he should keep his mouth shut – I wholly and totally disagree.
He wants it, and I suppose he has a right to it – Rubbish.
He said you plotted to get him removed - that’s ridiculous.

Learning to express agreement and/or disagreement with someone’s views and opinions can be part of assertion training, which has gained increasing recognition in recent years. Its aim is to help people express themselves more effectively and appropriately.

The following three types of behavior are identified:

1. Non-assertive behaviour – failing to express your feelings, needs, opinions, or preferences, or expressing them in an indirect or implicit way. For example, agreeing to activities you are not really interested in or failing to ask for a favour even though one is needed/ Statements like “I suppose we could go to the cinema”, or “I wish I knew someone who could help me repair my car” represent indirect or implicit statements in which the other person must infer what the needs and opinions of the speaker really are. One difficulty with this type of communication is that it is open to varying interpretations and is therefore easily misunderstood.

2. Aggressive behaviour – expressing your feelings or opinions but in a punishing, threatening, demanding or hostile manner. There is little or no consideration of the feelings or rights of the other person. In addition, the person who behaves aggressively assumes little responsibility for the consequences of his/her action.
E.g. You’d better lend me $5.
You are going with me whether you like it or not.

3. Assertive behaviour – expressing your feelings, needs, legitimate rights or opinions honestly and directly without being aggressive to others, without infringing on their rights and without expecting the other person to read your mind. Assertive behaviour is not designed primarily to enable an individual to obtain what he/she wants. Rather its purpose is the clear, direct and inoffensive communication of one’s needs opinions and so on. To the extent that this is accomplished, the probability of achieving one’s goals without denying the rights of others increases.